Sole Practitioners

Sole Practitioners

Name YOC Address  
Maura Logan 1971 Altrincham, WA15 0JD  
Ashley Murray 1974 Ashley Murray Chambers, Chester, CH4 9EW
Peter Smith KC 1979 Fountain Chambers, Middlesbrough, TS1 2RQ
Ruth Howe 1983 Cheshire, CH45 7LN
Richard Gray 1986 Elysium Law, Wirral, CH62 0AF
Wayne Massey 1986 Chambers of Mr W Massey, Manchester, M44 5EA  
Julian Taylor 1986
Linda Sweeney 1999
Mark Steward 2002 Liverpool
Oliver Cook KC 2004 Liverpool
Lianne Birkett 2006 Liverpool, L17
David Phillips 2009 Gaskell Chambers
Howsoun B Semega-Janneh 2010 Manchester, M4 4FY
Nicola Noon 2010 Merseyside
Jayne Brayley 2012 One Stream Software, 5th Floor, NEO, Charlotte Street, Manchester  M1 4ET  
Ravi Sethi 2020 Clerksroom  
Jonathan McDonnell 2021
Any other Members practising off-Circuit or as sole practitioners who wish their details to feature on this website should contact Clare Calder.